Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finemolds Tie Fighter and Tie Interceptor


Looks like my updates are getting lesser, guess my work and studies are really catching up on me. Anyhoo, among the midst of TF Alternators (which is still on a few more to go...) and Gunpla building, I manage to slip in some other Star Wars kits. Here are the Empire's fighters to counter the Rebels.

First up is the Tie Fighter, with amounts of details, one can only fault it being so damn small. It's the size of a palm...but all the goodness of detailing are there and not missed at all.

Finemolds Tie Fighter

And my favourite, the Tie Interceptor. Just like the Tie Fighter, the details are awesome and is way sleeker. I loved building these fighters, but I love the Interceptor more. It's awesome!

Finemolds Tie Interceptor

Now there you go for an update. Don't worry, there will be more to come.
