Monday, December 29, 2008

Hasbro Millenium Falcon 2008


Alright! An update finally!! Okay...hope that everybody who follows this blog o' mine is patient with me...LOL...

Here's one of my works that I did for a friend a few weeks back...Did a few so I'll be updating RK Designs as much as I can...

Well, I was presented with a monumental task...yes, when I mention monumental I mean its HUGE! Recently Hasbro released a new mold for the Millenium Falcon. Triple the size of the original and with a large amount of detail to it. Sadly, being a toy it lacked depth of its details. I was planning to get one for myself and repainted it, but with a hefty price tag to it...I had to think many times and decided on a no...

Luckily I had a friend who wanted to upgrade his Falcon and I was eager to oblige to his here it is...With some pre-shading and also weathering.

Before: Priming...

Done: The Millenium Falcon

Close Ups:

I'm working on another Falcon, but the vintage series version. Hopefully I can make it look just as good.
