Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Robot Masters Megatron (WIP) Part 01


Okay, while I'm waiting for my parts to arrive (and paint curing as well) for most of my projects, I was working on the sidelines with this.

I manage to get my hands on one of those Robot Master Megatron that was issued a while back. It was kinda of a good deal from a pal of mine (Congrats on getting married dude!) and when I saw the RM Megs...well, let's just say that my stomach churned a bit...(sorry to the owners of this fig).

Looking at it along with the other two Megatron figs I had a brainstorm to upgrade the fella. Having an extra Gundam F91 (the ol' 90's kit) I decided to do a total makeover.

Currently its still a work in progress but I felt that I needed to share with you all what I've done at the moment.

Before: (image courtesy of

Now: (still a work in progress)


I hope to finish this guy around next week or so, keep on checking for updates ya.

Ps: the articulated Star Saber is coming around soon along with a bunch of other repaints and kitbash, so hang on to your Cybertronian balls my friends!

Ja ne'! (its 'Later' in japanese...i think...heh)

Note: This is a Work In Progress (WIP) post. So the final work might not be the same as it was originally designed by RK Designs.